If there is an issue that you think should become a law, you don’t have to wait until your state legislature agrees with you. You can let the voters decide by filing a ballot initiative. Your direct action can qualify your measure to be on the ballot in the next statewide election.
Last updated on: September 15, 2020
This is a brief overview of the ballot initiative process in the state of Oregon. For more details on filing requirements and guidelines reference the Initiative Manual provided by the state.
Getting Started on your Ballot Initiative
Before petitioning can begin you will need to designate a Chief Petitioner and petitioning committee. The chief petitioner will be the point of contact for the initiative and carry responsibility for organizing and submitting the required information.
File the proposed initiative with the Elections Division using form SEL310.
Requirements for Certification in Oregon
You must collect one thousand sponsorship signatures before the Elections Division will forward the proposed measure to the Attorney General. Next, the measure receives a title and summary, along with written approval for circulation. Make sure to look over the petitioning guidelines provided by the Secretay of State.
You’ll need to submit petition signatures to the Elections Division at least four months before the next general election. This gives the necessary time for signature verification.
In Oregon, signature requirements vary depending on the type of ballot initiative. Statutory initiatives require 6% of the votes cast for governor in the last general election. Constitutional initiatives require 8% of the votes cast for governor in the last general election.
When your initiative receives the percentage of valid signatures required, the state will place it on the ballot.
When you are ready to file an initiative in Oregon, we are ready to help. Contact us today to begin.