If there is an issue that you think should become a law, you don’t have to wait until your state legislature agrees with you. You can let the voters decide by filing a ballot initiative. Your direct action can qualify your measure to be on the ballot in the next statewide election.
Last updated on: September 15, 2020
The following is a brief overview of the Wyoming Ballot Initiative process. Please visit the Wyoming Secretary of State’s website for further information.
Draft Your Initiative
In the state of Wyoming, residents can introduce legislation through the initiative process. Before getting started look over the details about what an initiative can’t be used for in the Wyoming Constitution. You will also need to designate three people that will serve as your Committee of Applicants. This Committee will then be responsible for any fees and serve as the main contact for your initiative.
When you are ready, submit the initiative in bill form on legal-sized paper; along with an application, and a $500 filing fee to the Secretary of State. The state does provide a bill template for anyone to use for this process.
Certification of a Ballot Initiative
Within 14 days of submitting the initiative, the Secretary of State will schedule an informative meeting. In this meeting, he or she may share any issues with the composition or details of your bill. You have the option to make amendments or to move forward without any changes.
If your application is certified you will have 30 days to gather and submit the names, signatures, and addresses of 100 supporting sponsors with the petition form provided by the Secretary of state. The sponsors must be qualified as registered to vote in the State of Wyoming.
View the Wyoming Initiative Guide for important detailed petition requirements.
Getting on the Ballot in Wyoming
If the valid signatures have been collected the bill will be added to the ballot and will be enacted if it receives approval from over 50% of the voters participating in the general election.
Contact us today to talk about filing a ballot initiative in Wyoming.